Monday, April 25, 2011

How to boot into Bootloader Mode on HD2

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How To Boot into Bootloader Mode on HD2

1. Remove the battery cover on th back of your HD2.

2. With the battery still in place, hold the volume down button.

3. While holding down the volume down button, press the reset button using a pen or a pencil (it is red in the image above but it is yellow on my HD2) on the bottom left. Don't worry it won't reset your HD2.

4. The phone will boot into Bootloader Mode and the screen should display a "tri-color" screen. When you see this, go ahead and let go of the volume down button.

5. To get out of this screen, pull the battery out of the HD2 and reinsert it to have it reboot normally.

Disclaimer: These guides are intended to help others with their HD2s. If something should go wrong, no one is responsible except for you. It is up to you to verify all the information given. This is how I did it and I am sharing my experience in hopes that it'll make it easier for others. It worked for me. If you do not want to risk breaking your phone and do not want to mess around with your phone, I recommend you buy an iPhone.

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